Our Quality Commitment

As Melbourne's #1 Aged Care Nursing Agency, we believe that a recruitment agency should be a specialist in their field; an expert in a niche market, and able to provide a customised, professional service to clients and candidates alike.

Our company was formed with that philosophy at its core and we have dedicated ourselves to the aged care industry by offering a streamlined and effective service that is committed to always providing both our nurses, carers, and clients with the best experience!

We are independently assessed to verify conformity to ISO9001
requirements by recognized certified bodies.

ISO9001 Accredited Nursing Agency

Most nursing agencies will claim to provide the highest level of care, but how can you really determine the quality of your agency? At Chris Barnard Nursing Agency, we are certified according to the Aged Care Accreditation and Quality Framework principles with strong a customer focus.

What is ISO9001?

ISO9001 is an internationally recognized Quality Management System. ISO9001 provides a set of requirements that will give you confidence that we can consistently provide services that:

 Comply with Aged Care Accredited and Quality Framework

 Comply with Aged Care Consumer Rights Framework

 Comply with the Aged Care Recruitment Framework

ISO9001 Accredited Nursing Agency

Most nursing agencies will claim to provide the highest level of care, but how can you really determine the quality of your agency? At Chris Barnard Nursing Agency, we are certified according to the Aged Care Accreditation and Quality Framework principles with strong a customer focus.

What is ISO9001?

ISO9001 is an internationally recognized Quality Management System. ISO9001 provides a set of requirements that will give you confidence that we can consistently provide services that:

Comply with Aged Care Accredited and Quality Framework

 Comply with Aged Care Consumer Rights Framework

 Comply with the Aged Care Recruitment Framework


Is to offer the aged care industry a one-stop-shop for its resourcing needs, with dedicated teams selected to service the various niche areas within the aged care sector.

Chris Barnard Nursing Agency will offer you a service with unmatched professionalism, ensuring the confidentiality of the client and candidate remains of great importance.


Has always been important to us and we strive daily as a team to be always transparent and work with a clear focus to act in the best interest of both our clients and nurses!

Through doing this we have been able to build long-standing relationships based on trust with our clients, nurses, and carers - a core value that has helped us to be who we are, since the beginning of Chris Barnard Nursing Agency to become one of the most trusted nursing agencies in Melbourne!


The team at Chris Barnard Nursing Agency is dedicated to being as accurate as possible when matching skill sets of nurses & carers to your specific needs - a commitment that takes a lot of in-depth knowledge and time, but hard work is not something we are afraid of!

We at Chris Barnard Nursing Agency go that extra mile to nurture and mentor our team to make them the best in the industry!.

Quality Policy:

Chris Barnard Nursing Agency specialises in the placement of permanent, temporary, and casual health and nursing professionals across Australia. Chris Barnard offers the health Industry a one-stop-shop for its resourcing needs, with dedicated teams selected to service the various niche areas within the vast sector.

Our company strives to achieve sustainable growth through consistently satisfying the diverse needs and expectations of our clients. CBNA is committed to effective implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) in compliance with ISO 9001 Standard. Chris Barnard is committed to the continual review and improvement of the Quality Management system.

We strive to achieve this by:

 Promoting an understanding of our customers’ needs and expectations throughout the organisation, together with a culture of exceeding customer expectations.

 Aligning the purpose and context of the organisation and support its strategic direction through stakeholder analysis.

 Ensuring compliance to all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

 Developing seamless processes by fully integrating the services we provide.

 Monitoring our performance through performance metrics (e.g. Internal audits) to continually improve our processes and services.

 Ensuring that management on all levels communicates and explains the quality policy to all employees so that everyone is familiar with the policy and its intent. It is also made available to interested parties.

 Establishing, reviewing, and communicating company’s quality objectives to all levels in the organisation. The objectives are monitored on an ongoing basis through the quality management plan and reviewed during planned management review meetings.

 Utilising the company’s ISO 9001 quality management system on all company processes everywhere, every time, without exception.

 Reviewing this policy for its adequacy during planned management review meetings.

Value Proposition

Customer Service Client Relationship Management- We are proud to maintain our focus of real customer service provided by our inhouse team of Allocations Consultants and Operational Support. The entire team at CBNA is committed to building strong relationships and ensuring there is a complete understanding of the requirements of each client.

Speed of service- CBNA set the standard to move quickly in our fast paced environment. With our strong team of allocators we aim to fill shifts within a 15 minute period and continue to provide shifts and roster updates with honesty and transparency

Operational Efficiency- After being in the industry for over 10 years, we are constantly looking at continuous improvement measures to ensure we are reducing waste of time, utilising effort, technology, processes materials as much as possible, while still providing a high quality service.

Product differentiation- Not only do we offer Temporary staff solutions in a day-to-day setting, we also provide contract staff who can travel to locations to support any long term leave within the facility as well as placing permanent staff members from Nursing staff to Executive roles within the Aged Care Industry.

Easy to do business with- We understand just how busy you are and therefore it is our mission to make working with us, as seamless as possible to support you in any way we can.

Quality of supply- Through our thorough recruitment process of screening and interviewing, you will only receive experienced Aged Care staff who can come into your facility and support your staff and residents

Industry experts- Our team understands current legislative, including mandatory Aged Care requirements and best practice regulations. We have an ongoing commitment within our industry to align with our clients and our members

Clinical Governance

CBNA is a ISO 9001 Quality standard Accredited organisation. Our compliance framework is integral in supporting the CBNA health professionals in delivering safe and competent care. The framework will ensure that our clients are provided with staffing that is fit for purpose and fully credentialed. CBNA’s framework remains consistent and compliant with the Aged Care Quality Standards, and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Health Governance framework

CBNA has developed a comprehensive Quality Governance Framework based on an integrated approach to clinical risk management and continuous quality improvement. This includes:

 Clinical risk management- making sure our services are safe and minimising risk of error

 Clinical effectiveness- making sure that the clinical services we provide are effective.

Corporate Social Responsibility

CBNA recognises the importance of and carries the responsibility of environmental, ethical, philanthropic and economic responsibility.

We at CBNA, view corporate social responsibility initiatives to force our business leaders and wider team to examine practices related to how they hire and manage employees and members, source products or components, and deliver value to our clients. This reflection leads to innovative and ground-breaking solutions that helps CBNA act in a more socially responsible way.

Modern Slavery Position

CBNA rejects any form of modern slavery and human trafficking, and we are committed to implementing effective systems and controls to ensure it does not take place directly within our own business or our clients we work with. We respect the human rights of our employees, members, clients, suppliers and business partners, and we aim to identify and manage any risks related to these rights.

Charities & Volunteering

CBNA recognises that Nurses and Healthcare professionals who migrate from developing countries to fill the nursing and medical skill shortage in developed nations, including Australia. experience a shortage and strain on their own health care system.

As a way of contributing back into the developing nation’s health and wellbeing we at Chris Barnard Nursing Agency, contribute a percentage of every placement fee that we receive from our successful placements to the below organisations:

Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) is the world’s leading independent organisation for medical humanitarian aid. Every day more than 24,000 Médecins Sans Frontières field staff are providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world.

Médecins Sans Frontières field staff includes doctors, nurses, administrators, epidemiologists, laboratory technicians, mental health professionals, logistics and water and sanitation experts.

The team at Chris Barnard Nursing Agency value and support the hard work that organisations do to create better lives for those in vulnerable situations. It is why we decided to partner with Food Bank Victoria and be involved with their group volunteering efforts. Volunteers are an integral part of their day-to-day functions, ensuring food relief is provided to those in need. We gather on a 6 monthly basis for a day in the warehouse to pick and pack food for distribution to over 530 charities across Victoria. To find out when you can join us next, contact info@chrisbarnardhealth.com

SOS Children's Villages is active in 133 countries and territories. The variety of this international work is brought together by the umbrella organisation SOS Children's Villages International, which unites all of the autonomous national associations.

SOS Children's Villages aims to help improve the situation of vulnerable children in many ways and by working with partners at different levels.

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